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Carrier Insurance is the protection offered directly from the carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.) that will offset the cost of a lost package. Note that each carrier has its own set of requirements and guidelines that can be found on their respective websites. Carrier insurance will be automatically selected if you choose to insure your non-perishable goods. Perishable items are not covered by carrier insurance.
Protection plan is the protection offered by ShipOn to cover perishable items. It will cover up to $500 but is limited to the market value of the shipment. This is determined by the invoice, packing slip, or market reference. We only offer this plan for Priority Overnight Shipments.
Perishable goods are products that need to be contained in a controlled environment to preserve the said product. If the environment is disturbed the goods are susceptible to damage. This can include but is not limited to fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, plants, food or live animals.
Non-perishable goods do not require a controlled environment. Your package’s content(s) should have long shelf lives and should be able to withstand prolonged storage.